Capture the data in your documents
Docart uses its Artificial Intelligence engine to capture important data from your documents.
With this data, you can create automations and workflows.

Securing your documents
Document securityAll documents submitted to Docart are electronically signed and time-stamped. Our infrastructure guarantees maximum security
Automatic sorting
Save time. Thanks to its powerful AI engine, Docart recognizes your document and automatically classifies it;
Data extraction
Thanks to its Artificial Intelligence engine, Docart automatically extracts important data from your documents
Workflow and automation
The end of repetitive tasks. Automate your document tasks easily and simply with intuitive tools.
What our customers say about Docart
"I needed a simple out-of-the-box solution to centralize all my documents from my companies. With Docart it couldn't be simpler, with management of multiple environments on a single account."
"Automatic filing and processing in a single tool, saving me an incredible amount of time."
"I really wish Apple had released Docart".
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Get our free ebook on how you can level up your B2B SaaS content marketing
Find the formula that's right for you
Docart's foundations
1,500 documents per year
2 automations
2 users
Document security
Automatic document filing
Data extraction
Support Online
Foundations with unlimited users
3,000 documents per year
Unlimited users
15 Automations
Email support
395 €/month
Better money
6,000 documents per year
Unlimited users
50 automations
Chat support
Docart unleashed
15,000 documents per year
Unlimited users
Unlimited automation
Chat and phone support
4 h onboarding included
Find out more
How Docart automatically classifies
DocArt uses its own Artificial Intelligence (AI) neural network, trained by us.
Our AI analyzes your documents in depth (1,000 times deeper than conventional tools) to determine their nature and extract important data.
How are my documents secured?
All your documents are encrypted during transmission. Once stored, they are time-stamped and electronically signed.
Our hosting infrastructure in France guarantees backup in the best possible conditions (mirroring, certified datacenter, etc.).
What can Docart do for me?
Docart centralizes and unifies document management throughout the company. You gain in productivity by instantly finding your documents and circulating them easily.
You can enhance the value of your business by giving it structure and transparency.