Everything that changes your everyday life
LLM query
Transform all your documents into an intelligent knowledge base, offering fast, relevant and contextualized answers to simplify searches, optimize decision-making and improve collaboration.
Data extraction
Docart targets important data in your documents, making them easier to find, understand and export to all your applications.
Linking your documents and applications has never been easier. Connect your ERP, CRM, management software and much more in just a few clicks, thanks to our native integrations.
With the Mistral.ai AI engine, master your documents in the most common languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Chinese.
Automatic sorting
Save time. Thanks to the Mistral.ai AI engine, Docart recognizes your documents and automatically classifies them.
Process clarification. You model your processes in Docart or choose from the preloaded library
The end of repetitive tasks. Automate your document tasks easily and simply with intuitive tools.
Document security
All Docart documents are electronically signed and time-stamped. Our infrastructure guarantees maximum security.
Processing your documents has never been easier
Take advantage of our wide range of features to simplify your life.
Private AI engine
The private AI engine analyzes your internal documents, extracting key information, generating summaries and answering specific queries, while maintaining data confidentiality and security.
LLM query
LLM query functionality enables you to interrogate a language model to obtain precise answers, generate analyses or extract information from large datasets.
Centralized doc
Document centralization lets you group, organize and access all key information in one place, making it easier to manage, collaborate and find data quickly.
Full-text search
Full-text search lets you explore documents by scanning their entire content, quickly identifying specific keywords, phrases or concepts, offering efficient, targeted navigation.
Mail synchronization
Docart's e-mail document repository lets you send files directly from your e-mail inbox to Docart, facilitating their storage, organization and management within the platform.
Onedrive synchronization
Synchronization with OneDrive connects your files to your cloud storage space, ensuring automatic updates, simplified access and centralized remote document management.
Google Drive synchronization
Synchronization with Google Drive links your documents to your Drive account, ensuring automatic backup, easy access and real-time updating of stored files.
Embedded in copiers
The Docart button on all copiers and scanning equipment enables scanned documents to be sent quickly and securely to DocArt directly from the device.
Document encryption
Document encryption ensures security by converting content into an unreadable format, accessible only to authorized users, protecting sensitive information from unauthorized access.
Rights management
Document access rights management lets you define who can view, modify or share each file, guaranteeing confidentiality, security and control of sensitive information.
Multi Organisation
La gestion de plusieurs tenants d'organisation permet d'administrer plusieurs entités distinctes depuis une interface unique, facilitant la gestion des utilisateurs, des droits d'accès et des ressources au sein de chaque organisation.
Gestion d'équipes
L'administration des droits d'équipes permet de définir et gérer les autorisations d'accès, de modification et de partage pour chaque membre, assurant un contrôle précis sur les actions et la sécurité des documents.
Statistique documentaire
La fonctionnalité de statistiques documentaires offre des analyses détaillées sur l'utilisation, l'accès et le contenu des documents, permettant d'optimiser la gestion, d'identifier les tendances et de prendre des décisions éclairées.
Personnalisation du tableau de bord
La personnalisation du tableau de bord permet d'adapter l'interface aux besoins spécifiques de l'utilisateur, en ajoutant, supprimant ou réorganisant des widgets et informations pour un accès rapide et optimal aux données pertinentes.
L'automatisation du traitement des documents permet de numériser, classer, extraire et traiter des informations de manière autonome, réduisant les tâches manuelles, améliorant l'efficacité et accélérant le flux de travail documentaire.
Workflow paramétrable
Le workflow paramétrable permet de définir et personnaliser des processus automatisés selon les besoins spécifiques de l'organisation, optimisant ainsi la gestion des tâches, l'approbation des documents et la collaboration interne.
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